We free people from the trap of relationships that no longer serve them.

Let us free you.

Stressed about the conflict of divorce? Worried? Exhausted?

Let us show you a better way.

The One-Fee Divorce Alternative

Don't Let Divorce Break the Bank.


Traditional divorce is expensive.

"Money is already tight. How can we afford to get a divorce? "

Most firms ask for large retainer fees and charge outrageous hourly fees JUST TO GET STARTED. Those initial deposits often don't cover everything needed to get the divorce done, let alone done FAST.

There is a better way.

The One-Fee Divorce Alternative

At Brava, we offer flat-fee divorce options for spouses who both desire to move on, agree on how they want to do that, and don't want the lawyers to complicate things.

Free Yourself from the Stress


Divorce feels overwhelming.

"What about the kids? The house? My 401K and our investment accounts?"

DIY document preparation services offered by non-attorneys will ask you to complete a bunch of confusing financial forms and call it a day, leaving you even more stressed than you already are.

There is a better way.

The One-Fee Divorce Alternative

Brava's seasoned attorneys know the post-divorce pitfalls. We've designed a process to help you avoid them, freeing you from worrying about your post-divorce future.

Let Us Do the Fighting

(So You Don't Have To)


A contentious divorce is sometimes inevitable.

"My spouse already filed for divorce and moved out with the kids. Things are way too messy . We fight about everything."

The saying goes "It takes two to tango." But in a divorce, it only takes one. If your spouse sees timesharing, child support, and alimony matters differently than you (or wants to fight for the sake of fighting), you need a fierce attorney advocate who will fight for you and protect your interests.

We welcome a good fight, too.

Who Gets the Kids?

Who Gets the House?

Who Pays for What?


We've Got You.

The One-Fee Divorce Alternative

Resolve All Child-Related Issues

Who has the kids and when? Who pays for the children’s expenses?

Custody (called timesharing in Florida) and child support are usually the most critical issues in a divorce.

But you don’t have to fight about them with our team at your side. We’ll guide you through the decisions that must be made so you can move forward as a non-traditional family peacefully.

Alimony! We’ve got you.

Alimony. It’s either a dirty word or you love it. But in Florida, we have a statue that makes it easy to figure out what kind of alimony applies in your situation (and whether it applies to you at all). So don’t argue about it. Let us be your guide.

Who Gets The House and The Stuff?

Equitable Distribution. Who gets the CD collection? (Does anyone have those anymore?) Who gets the parrot? Who gets the house? Deciding who gets what, especially the assets that have financial value like the house, investment accounts, and cars, can really wear you down. But no worries. From your house and retirement accounts to the CDs and the parrot, we’ll help you divide things up fairly.

You + Us = Freedom

Traditional lawyers charge each spouse at least $5000 just to start. That's $10,000 to the lawyers,

right upfront.

What if you could get divorced differently?

The One-Fee Divorce Alternative

A divorce doesn't have to cost tens of thousands of dollars.

A divorce doesn't have to drag on for months or years.

A divorce doesn't have to be a battle.


There is a better way.


One-Fee Divorce Alternative

can get you divorced for $5000, all in.

The One-Fee Divorce Alternative





A Complete Marital Settlement Agreement that resolves all divorce issues, including child-related matters, money issues, and distribution of property.



Drafting and filing all required legal documents with the court and representing you in court as needed to get you divorced.



Access to our PRIVATE Members Only FB Group. Events, and our Growing Library of post-divorce resources for newly non-traditional families.

Are you ready to avoid outrageous attorney fees and get divorced differently?


Contested or Uncontested

We guide you through each step of the divorce process, ensuring clarity and support. From filing the initial paperwork to finalizing the divorce decree, our experienced attorneys are with you every step of the way. We help you understand your rights, prepare necessary documents, and navigate court procedures, making the process as smooth as possible.

Grounds for Divorce:
Understand the legal grounds for divorce in your state. Whether it's irreconcilable differences, adultery, abandonment, or other grounds, we explain what each one entails and how it applies to your situation. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your case.

Child Custody and Visitation Rights:

Protect your relationship with your children and understand your rights. We provide comprehensive guidance on establishing and enforcing custody and visitation arrangements that serve the best interests of your children. Our goal is to ensure that your parental rights are preserved and that your children’s needs are met.

Division of Assets and Debts:
Fair and equitable distribution of marital property is a critical aspect of divorce. We assist you in identifying and valuing marital assets and debts, negotiating settlements, and ensuring a fair division. Our approach aims to secure your financial future while minimizing conflict.

Alimony and Child Support:
Ensure financial support for you and your children. We help you understand the factors that courts consider when awarding alimony and calculating child support. Our attorneys work to achieve support arrangements that meet your needs and comply with legal standards.

Child Custody

Quick and Simple

Learn about joint, sole, and other custody options. We explain the different types of custody arrangements, including legal and physical custody, and how each one affects your parenting rights and responsibilities.

Factors Considered in Determining Custody:

Understand what courts look at when deciding custody. Factors include the child's best interests, parental fitness, the child's wishes, and the existing parent-child relationship. We help you present a compelling case for your preferred custody arrangement.

Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Parents:

Know your rights and duties as a parent. We provide detailed information on parental rights, including decision-making authority, visitation schedules, and the responsibilities each parent has toward their children.

Mediation and Arbitration Options:

Resolve disputes amicably outside of court. Mediation and arbitration are alternative dispute resolution methods that can help you and your spouse reach a mutually satisfactory agreement on custody and other issues without the stress and expense of a court trial.

Child Custody Modification:

Modify existing custody arrangements when circumstances change. Life changes, and so can custody arrangements. We assist you in petitioning the court for modifications to custody and visitation orders based on significant changes in circumstances, such as relocation, changes in income, or the child's needs.


The One-Fee Divorce Alternative

Brava Law's Flat-Fee Divorce Packages

What We Believe In

❤️ Love: We’re humans first; lawyers second. We love our clients by delivering top-tier legal services at a time when they’re in crisis.

🌟 Excellence: Incredible is our floor, not our ceiling. We don't do excellence; we are excellence.

✴️ Transparency: We stand for open and clear communication, with one another and our clients, and we’re constantly improving our systems for ensuring that happens.

❇️ Innovation: We are a people-centered, technology-driven firm that leverages innovation to constantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of our services, improve the quality of our human interactions, and achieve the best results possible.

💯 Ownership: Every member of our team owns every aspect of their role, 100%, from the way we answer the phone to the way we prep for a hearing.


We free good people from the trap of miserable relationships that no longer serve them. We provide fierce advocacy for clients when “friendly” isn’t an option, ensuring their interests are vigorously protected. For divorcing couples who want to part as friends or healthy co-parents, our ONE FEE DIVORCE ALTERNATIVE is the key to a liberated future for your family.

The Brava Law Team knows how painful divorce can be because

we’ve lived it.



We want to offer a better way.

Jamie Moore Marcario, our Chief Legal and Client Happiness Officer, is on a mission to change how divorce happens.

If you’re like us, you’re worrying about how your divorce will affect your money, your children, your stuff, and your time.

Fret no more.

We've got you!

Your Money

You built a life together and accumulated some assets. Now you’re dividing it up and it feels terrible. We’ll help you navigate the murky waters around alimony, child support, child expenses, and how to allocate your money in a peaceful way so you can move on.

Your Kids

If you have children, you want to protect them, to give them stability as soon as possible. That’s why we make it our priority to help you create a workable, reasonable timesharing (custody) schedule and parenting plan, including how you handle vacations, holidays, and all the times in between. We’ve got you.

Your Stuff

You built a life together and you’ve accumulated a bunch of stuff. Now you have to divide it up. We’ll walk you through how to handle decisions about your marital home, cars, bank and retirement accounts, credit cars and other debts, and anything else you have (including those CDs and the parrot).

Your Time

With all the decisions about money, stuff and kids resolved, it’s time to get the divorce. We’ll take care of all of the nitty-gritty details like drafting and filing documents, attending court appearances and the final hearing if need be. Our goal is get you divorced correctly and move you to freedom as quickly as possible.

"It’s time to let go of who you were and embrace the freedom of who you are now.

But don’t gamble away your money, time, and emotional energy on traditional divorce options.

Save it for the post-divorce road trip instead!

~ Jamie Marcario, Esq
Founder and Chief Client Happiness Officer

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